Google Leads Searches in August

According to the latest figures released by Nielsen//NetRatings, Google handled the majority of all Web queries online in the U.S. in August. Yet again, the list was absent of any surprises.

Google took care of 4.2 billion online searches during the month, accounting for 53.6% of all searches conducted in August. Yahoo! held onto its second spot on the list, handling 1.6 billion queries, or 19.9% of all online queries.

MSN/Windows Live took care of 1.0 billion searches, or 12.9% of the total. AOL fulfilled 435 million queries, or 5.6% of the pie. was fifth on the list with 137 million queries conducted on its search engine, or 1.7% of the total for the month.

Google, Yahoo! and AOL each gained in terms of total searches conducted in August compared to July, while MSN/Windows Live and lost ground.

My Web Search, BellSouth, Comcast, My Way and SBC Yellow Pages filled out the top 10 list, in that order.

In total, 7.8 billion queries were conducted in August.


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