How To Use YouTube to Generate Traffic
How To Use YouTube to Generate Traffic
Every day, thousands of online viewers from all over the world peruse the many video clips hosted on YouTube. The recent purchase of the popular website by search giant Google to the tune of 1.65 billion dollars highlights the massive appeal of this new form of online entertainment. As many online marketers have discovered, YouTube presents a unique and effective way to build a word-of-mouth marketing buzz campaign that can pay off in a big way. YouTube isn't the only place to distribute viral videos, however. Google Video, AOL Video, and even your own websites are all great places to begin building a viral video buzz campaign.
Funny or Entertaining Viral Video
Humorous videos are among the most popular for word-of-mouth marketing campaigns. Amused viewers will often pass on the link to a funny video to friends and family, rapidly expanding the market for a viral video. Millions of people from all areas of the globe have viewed some of the most popular funny videos.
How can you use humor to create a viral video? Spend some time brainstorming ideas that potential reads might find entertaining. Whenever possible, try to link the content of your video to some aspect of your business, service, or website. Always include a link back to your website to attract new readers and increase your site traffic.
Unique or Odd Viral Video
Some viral video build buzz simply by being so odd or outrageous that users can help but share it with everyone they know. If you can create a jaw-dropping viral video that generate major buzz, you may find yourself in the company of many online marketers who've discovered the simple power of standing out from the crowd. So what makes a video unique or odd? Start by thinking of ways that you can put a fresh twist on old ideas. Parody of popular culture and silly stunts are some of the top choices for this type of viral video. Think of these clips as something similar to some of the most outrageous or unique televisions commercials. They generate attention simply by being different from the rest of the pack.
Informative or Educational Viral Video
An often overlook type of online video is informative or educational material. While YouTube has a reputation for hosting silly, funny, or downright odd video clips, one of the primary reasons people use the Internet is to access valuable information. Consider the rising popularity of educational podcasts. By packaging advice, tutorials, or instructional materials into a brief online clip, you can draw in a whole new market with your viral video.
Whatever approach you ultimately choose, always remember that the goal of your viral video is to draw attention and traffic to your website. There are a lot of video on YouTube, so you need to offer some fresh and exciting in order to succeed with video marketing. Choose a video subject that represents the needs and interests of the audience you are targeting. Ask yourself what your customers want to see, and let the answer guide your viral video choice. By designed online videos with your users in mind, your YouTube marketing efforts will be far more successful.
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