Seven SEO Steps To Follow To Improve Your Site\'s Ranking
Achieving a top site ranking in the major search engines is an important goal if you want to increase your site traffic, promote your offers and sell more products. Research has consistently shown that consumers view high-ranking sites as more credible and trustworthy, which makes online shoppers more likely to purchase goods and services from these sites.
What steps can you take to improve your sites ranking? The key to building a better PageRank is to concentrate on tried and tested search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. While those who are unfamiliar with SEO often feel intimidated by the technical jargon and specialized strategies that go along with these tactics, it's important to realize that most of these skills are fairly easy to learn and apply to your own site. The following SEO steps can get you started toward improving your site's search ranking.
1. Start with Keyword Research
Before you can begin optimizing your website, you need to choose the right keywords. These words and phrases are the terms your target audience uses when searching for information on the Web. By selecting the right keywords, readers will be more likely to find your website when searching online.
There are a number of ways to find keywords that are right for your website. Some possible sources of keyword information include:
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