What Custom Content Can Do For You

In an increasingly crowded web marketplace, it can be difficult to separate from the pack. Sometimes even having a good page rank is not enough. You could have a number one ranking, but if your site is uninformative or poorly designed, web surfers are going to click and run. With the number of affiliate sites now entering the field, there is even more competition for web surfers' time. To succeed on the web, your site needs to be an absolute authority in a particular field.

A website is the best promotional tool an e-business can have. The business can advertise all over the web and set up pay-per-click campaigns, but if the site itself is weak, you cannot expect web surfers to stick around or come back a second time. Custom content is all about keeping surfers on site and coming back for more.

The more content you have, the more chance there will be that a surfer will type in that keyphrase that matches content found in content. However, keep in mind that web surfers can smell fake content—content that is purely used to generate traffic, with awkwardly phrased keyphrases and grammatical oddities. Your better bet is to write content that is factually relevant: informative content, rather than just keyword-driven content. In relevant content, a large number of keyphrases will be covered, in addition to being a trusted source on the topic.

A hundred pages of informative content can be far superior to a hundred pages of keyword-driven content. If a spider detects that too many keyphrases are mashed together on a page, the site could be red-flagged, or even banished to a permanent low ranking in a search engine. In the past, a website owner could write the same keyword over and over again at the bottom of the page. Spiders got wise to this and now this tactic can be more of a detriment than a benefit. Relevant, custom content will never be red-flagged by search engine spiders.

Custom content can lead to sales or new clientele. Think of two sites: one site offers little to no information on a topic. Another site addresses any and all topics affecting an industry. Which site do you think a potential customer is going to trust? Content is not just about ranking high in search engines via page ranking, but about providing a quality website. Custom content should be a mixture of both naturally keyword-rich content as well as highly useful information.

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