Hoodia Affiliate Programs

Promote the worlds leading Hoodia affiliate program and make up to $120.00 per sale. If you haven't heard about the supplement Hoodia Gordonii, there's no doubt you will very soon. Hoodia, a natural appetite suppressant, is earning attention as a potentially powerful weapon in the war against obesity and the World Wide focus on losing weight. A couple of our top performing Hoodia offers include Hoodia Gordonii Plus and Hoodia Balance

Although no doubt available in specialty herb shops for many years, November 21, 2004 will go down in history as the day that Hoodia Gordonii was "discovered" in America. It was on that date that CBS 60 Minutes aired a program about Hoodia Gordonii and for the first time many people were introduced to this traditional botanical.

Now word of this awesome product is spreading like wildfire and taking the consumer market by storm. Many are calling the medical discovery of Hoodia Gordonii the greatest breakthrough in weight loss management of the decade!

Unlike most Hoodia affiliate programs, we track sales and commissions on all Phone and Mail Orders and take nothing from your commission for product returns for any reason. With any other program these are sales you are generating without any commission at all! No other program can compete with our exclusive tracking capabilities and honest payout system.

We offer a 50% revenue share and 5% of all referred webmasters making you up to $120.00 per sale. Commission Checks are sent twice a month on the 1st and 16th with no minimums. The sales you generate from the 1st - 15th get paid on the 1st of the following month. The sales you generate from the 16th - 31st get paid on the 16th of the following month. Therefore, there is a two week accounting period before you receive your payout.




Articles and Resources:
BBC News Article on Hoodia
CBS Report on Hoodia Gordonii
Affiliate Guide
Affiliate Programs

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